The Modern Day Jonah– This is a story about a prophet and his girlfriend who got famous because he survived the belly of a beluga whale.
Chapter 1: Ghosting
Jonah sat in his car, which was parked at the entrance of his girlfriend’s house, taking in deep breaths. He played his speech over and over in his head, just to make sure he wasn’t mincing words, then, took the bouquet of roses he had bought as a token of his apology and stepped out of his car. He rang the doorbell, and immediately, the door swung open. It was his girlfriend. However, she immediately slammed the door in his face, realising it was him.
Jonah rang the doorbell repeatedly until his girlfriend’s sister answered.
“Welcome, Jonah. She’s in her room.” His girlfriend’s sister told him.
“Are you sure it’s not locked?” Jonah was concerned about his girlfriend’s outburst, so he asked.
“I have a spare key, but you better make sure your reason for ghosting her for almost a week is worth it.” His girlfriend’s sister warned.
Jonah stepped into his girlfriend’s room with the bouquet of roses in his hand and remorse on his face. “Please hear me out, babe. I wouldn’t just ghost you.” He pleaded, but she ignored him.
She put on her headphones, turned up the volume of her music, laid in bed, and covered herself with the sheets.
Jonah walked to her bed, put the bouquet of roses in front of her, and slowly removed the headphones from her head.
“I’m sorry, Janice. I didn’t mean to just disappear.” Jonah spoke as he sat on her bedside sofa.
“I told you to communicate immediately one of your ministerial duties comes up, but you didn’t.” Janice finally said.
“That’s because I wasn’t planning on going on this assignment, but I’ve learned that God cannot be mocked. Babe, it’s been every bit of crazy this past week.” Jonah told his girlfriend, but she had just one question.
“You were with her, weren’t you?” Janice inquired, pushing the bouquet towards him. “You were with that lady you always preach to, weren’t you?” Janice asked him in a sharp tone.
“Babe, you’re not listening to me. I had a crazy week. All I could think about were the mercies of God and you—how supportive you have been and how I’ve taken you for granted.” Jonah continued.
“Well, you better quit the intro and start talking. What happened?” Janice uncovered herself from the sheets and sat on the bed, ready to hear everything her boyfriend had to say.
Chapter 2: Prophet Jonah
Jonah and Janice had been dating for six months when Jonah received a call from the Lord to be a prophet. Janice has been supportive since then. She allowed him to go on personal retreats far away from Carrollton, Georgia, where they both lived. Janice wanted to always be in the know. That had been her only wish ever since Jonah became a prophet, but Jonah failed to communicate more often than not. However, whenever he failed to do so, it was often a quick disappearance, followed by an image of himself the next minute with details of why he didn’t communicate and where he had been.
On the other hand, there was Patricia–Jonah’s new convert and mentee, whom Jonah spends a lot of time mentoring and teaching. The mentee spends most of her time confiding in Jonah, and Janice doubted that only a platonic relationship could build up from their frequent meetings.
This time around, Jonah had left his girlfriend for almost a week with no communication whatsoever, and she believed she had earned the right to an outburst. Jonah, however, had a good explanation up his sleeve, which was a matter of life and death.
“You know how particular my dreams have been ever since I got the call to be a prophet.” Jonah started the main explanation, and Janice placed her cheek in her palm as she listened.
“I had a dream about a week ago: I was standing in front of the famous promiscuous casino and club in Las Vegas, Nevada, when a young man dressed in white vividly said to me, “You have to tell them the good news, honourable servant.” Or else, the entire building will collapse in two weeks, killing a multitude of people who will most likely die in their sins.” In my dream, I laughed so hard. This was not a sign of joy, but rather a sign of intense distress.
These were people who chose to associate themselves with things in the world. They already knew the salvation message.
“This is an assignment you must take on, Jonah.” The man re-echoed his earlier statement in the dream. “Don’t disobey the one who has called you.” He continually said.
I woke up when the dream ended and started praying.
It was evident the Lord needed me to speak to these people in the town of Las Vegas, Nevada, especially those in the casinos, but I didn’t want to hear it, Janice. I didn’t want to hear him confirm this dream.”
“Why didn’t you want a confirmation?” Janice got curious.
Chapter 3: Disobedience
“You know how dangerous and influential they are. They have already made their choice to live for the world and the things in it. They are people who know or have heard about God already. If they had desired to change, they would have done so a long time ago. At least, that’s my belief.” Jonah explained, and then continued.
“Despite the fact that it was weighing so heavily on me, I couldn’t do this assignment, so I decided to take some days to retreat and somewhat direct God towards another prophet, but things turned south.
I took a bus that was going in the opposite direction of Las Vegas. The bus got to the Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta when it abruptly stopped in the middle of the road. Unfortunately, the bus was filled with impatient passengers who started complaining immediately.
While they were starting a riot in the bus over already spilled milk, I got quite uncomfortable and, hence, alighted.
Babe! Immediately I got off the bus, the bus started moving. I got so scared, but that wasn’t going to change my mind. I looked at the heavens and shook my head. “Such a sense of humour!” I thought to myself, and immediately I hit my leg against a pole.” Jonah kept recounting, and Janice laughed.
“I was seriously not planning on going to the aquarium, but on second thoughts, I wondered, ‘Why not?’ To be honest, I was afraid the building might collapse or flood, so I walked cautiously.
I got confident when I passed the ticketing checkpoint, and nothing happened. ‘Perhaps he had chosen someone else to do this assignment,’ I thought to myself, but the biggest blow awaited me.
Chapter 4: Aquaman
When I entered the underwater viewing area of the aquarium, I was blown away by creation and thought to myself, ‘Why not take a dive then? Since I might have been set free of this assignment.’ I put on protective goggles and certain diving equipment and dived into the large aquarium.
After swimming with all the beautiful creatures around me, I felt free—an exhibition of God’s sovereignty in his craftsmanship.
However, just as I was about to leave, something grabbed my ankle so tightly that I had to remove it with my feet and swim away. The beluga whale somewhat chased me, grabbed my ankle with force this time, and managed to swallow me.
“Wait! What? Do you really take me for some kind of joke, Jonah?” Janice interrupted. “Seriously? A beluga whale swallowed you? C’mon, Jonah! You can do better than this tale!” Janice was getting angry.
“Babe! Calm down!” Jonah said while taking out his phone, as though he were looking for something, but Janice had had enough.
“No, Jonah. Don’t tell me to calm down! Please get out! Get out, Jonah!”
“I managed to get a video from one of the tourists that were present. Here. Take a look.” Jonah handed her his phone, and her mouth dropped as she watched the video and looked at him in amazement.
“Babe, are you fine now? Have you eaten? Have you seen the doctor?” Janice got worried.
“I’m fine, babe.” Jonah reassured her.
“So what did you do in the belly of the whale?” Janice asked, still staring at the video.
Chapter 5: Las Vegas, Nevada
“I had gotten the message. God wanted me to speak to the people of Las Vegas, and not anyone else. I was quite remorseful. I didn’t know if I was going to make it. I was terrified in every way. I started praying for my soul, praying that you’d forgive me one day for not telling you everything. I was just praying and sleeping. When I woke up to my dark room of the whale’s intestines, it gave me hope that I was still alive, and that intensified my prayers.
Janice, I’ve never been so remorseful in my life. I prayed for forgiveness like it was the only thing I knew how to do. Immediately I said the words, “I’ll do as you please”, the beluga whale spat me out as though it had choked on something. I swam for my life, babe! I swam so fast.
I took a bus straight home, got clean clothes, got my mechanic to fix a megaphone in my car, and then I drove to Las Vegas. I roamed the entire city, sharing the gospel. I’m probably all over Twitter and TikTok right now, babe.” Jonah told her, and Janice smiled.
“I know I come with a lot of things that may affect this relationship, but I’m never going to take you for granted. I love you.” Jonah ended his story with tears in his eyes and an assurance to Janice, but the moment was interrupted with a chime from Jonah’s phone—it was a text from Patricia; they were pictures of Jonah and her on a bus ride, with a text; Here are the pictures we took that you requested I send to you.
Chapter 6: The Prophet’s Girlfriend
“Oh my God, Jonah! So, you were with her the entire time? She took that video of you, didn’t she? You’ve really taken me for a fool, Jonah! It’s over! Get out! Don’t make it harder than it already is!” Janice shouted.
“Babe, it really isn’t what you think! I was with her on my way to the other side of town because she wanted to talk about something that was bothering her.” Jonah tried explaining.
“Get out, Jonah!” Janice interrupted him, thumping his chest and pushing him out. “Just leave.
When Jonah got into his car, he got a call from Patricia. “Prophet, there’s a media crowd in front of your house. Aren’t you home?” Patricia was excited.
“What?” Jonah got confused.
“Haven’t you checked your socials? It’s everywhere—the Man of God who survived in the belly of a whale.”
Jonah checked Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok, and it was the only thing anyone spoke about. He drove home and was almost pushed down by the cameramen and media groups as they came onto him. “How did it happen? What scientific mystery made this possible? Was it a near-death experience?” Questions were hurled at him.
Jonah, however, used the opportunity to reiterate his dream and the urgent call for repentance. “God cannot be mocked, ladies and gentlemen. His call to service is entirely about sacrifice. Because of my disobedience, my sacrifice became more of a break up with my girlfriend than strength to my relationship.
Being in the belly of a whale and surviving through it, is not some kind of magic, but God’s display of sovereignty, love and mercy, despite my disobedience. I have been selfish with the things of God, and the beautiful treasures He put my way, especially Janice, the genuine love of my life. I love you so much, Janice.” He said. “I would never undermine your presence in my life. I would never take you for granted. You’re God’s gift to me.” The media cooed and others dubbed underneath their eyes.
Janice appeared behind him and shouted, “I love you too.” She ran to him with a wide smile and hugged him, “I’m always going to be here.”
This gave the media a better ending to their story as they clapped and cheered.